Ref. : YONE
More info
- Bikes with belt drive System.
- Computer function: Scan, time, speed, distance, calories, pulse, RPM (Watts) and recovery. (Option)
- Available for Manual tension.
- Size for LCD and console: 80x50mm.
- LCD: 5.5 (135x80x21 mm).
- Certificate: EN957, RoHS.
- Power Wheel: 20kgs
- Crank arm: 3 units.
- Water bottle holder.
- Emergency brake.
- Daily transport wheels.
- Steering wheel height adjustment.
- Steering wheel adjustment in longitude.
- Height adjustment of the seat.
- Bench adjustment in longitude.
Item Related:
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YOURFIT® - FULL PACK is considered a "YOUR GOLD" with full access to all programs without restrictions.
Through the YOUR GOLD, access to all programs (9 programs), of different training will be available to obtain the best results.
You will experience the best music, the best movements with the best instructors!FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURFIT®! #embraceyourfitprograms
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- 500ml capacity.
- Measures: Ø 6,5x19,5cm
- Material: PE.
Array ( [unit] => Un. [photo] => 514071079/item569918YOURFIT RIDE 1.png [typeitem] => 1 [iditem] => 12 [title] => What is YOURFIT RIDE®? [code] => 009 [description] => YOURFIT RIDE® [itemwithattr] => 0 [colorpriority] => [idvat] => 1 [vat] => 23.00 [pvp2] => 200.00 [idcategory] => 1 [category] => Programas [brand] => [typepvp] => 1 [novelty] => 0 [idbrand] => [internalcode] => [video] => [highlight] => 0 [listpvp] => Array ( [pvp1] => 180.0000 [pvp2] => 200.0000 [pvp3] => 220.0000 ) [datelimitnovelty] => [composition] =>YOURFIT RIDE® - A RIDE THAT YOU WON'T FORGET!
YOURFIT RIDE® is an indoor cycling program where you will create a connection with the bike and together we will achieve the best results.
In YOURFIT RIDE® class you will be able to control your intensity, your training, your performance and increase your fitness.
Intense, fun, low-impact workouts where you will burn calories without realizing it.
Three training methods for you, RIDE® Endurance, RIDE® Montains and RIDE® Speed, will take you through mountains, straights, sprints, hills, breakaway.
Do you want to transform your cycling lessons? Do you want to give your students something new? Then YOURFIT RIDE® is for you!YOUR RIDE, YOUR JOURNEY! #embraceyourride
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YOURFIT RIDE® is an indoor cycling program where you will create a connection with the bike, control your intensity and increase your fitness.
Intense, fun, low impact training where you will burn calories without realizing it. Mountains, straights, sprints, hills, breakaway, forget the monotony of a traditional indoor cycling class. Do you want to transform your cycling lessons? Do you want to give your customers something new? Then YOURFIT RIDE® is for you!YOUR RIDE, YOUR JOURNEY! #embraceyourride
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YOURFIT® - FULL PACK is considered a "MEMBERSHIP GOLD" with full access to all programs without restrictions.
Through the FULL PACK, access to all programs (9 programs), of different training will be available to obtain the best results.
You will experience the best music, the best movements with the best instructors!FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURFIT®! #embraceyourfitprograms
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YOURFIT® - FREE ACCESS gives you access to all programs in full without restrictions for 30 days free of charge and without obligation.
Through FREE ACCESS you will have available all programs (9 programs), of different trainings to obtain the best results.
You'll experience the best songs, the best moves with the best instructors!
In your gym, at home or anywhere, train without limits.
You are one CLICK away from the best fitness experience!FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURFIT®! #embraceyourfitprograms
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