Cookies Policy

Cookies are data files that a particular website sends to your computer while browsing that website. These data files include information that will allow the website to collect relevant information that can make your use of the website more personalized.
The data provided is processed automatically by the computer system, in accordance with the legal rules of confidentiality and security.
The YOURFIT PROGRAMS® online store holds a digital certificate, which ensures the identity and SSL encryption (Secure SocketsLayer - Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) of data transmission. All information conveyed is encrypted and the confidentiality and security of transactions are guaranteed.
The YOURFIT PROGRAMS® online store is committed to respect, privacy and security in relation to the data provided by its users.
The data provided will be used solely and exclusively for the purposes to which consent is given.
YOURFIT PROGRAMS® online store uses cookies. Cookies are a way to improve your browsing experience. They consist of small information files generated by your browser and that are automatically saved on the hard disk. These files do not contain personal information but allow YOURFIT PROGRAMS® online store to identify you.
YOURFIT PROGRAMS® online store is not responsible for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this website or others to be sent from the links established on its page.
It is up to each user to take appropriate precautions and ensure that the information removed does not contain viruses or other characteristics of a harmful nature.

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